Delivery of our sweet, delicious, easy-to-peel California navel oranges

Feb 10, 2025 7:03 AM
The oranges are here ... the oranges are here!
Delivery of our sweet, delicious, easy-to-peel California navel oranges
It's ORANGE time again. On the early morning of Monday, February 3, we will once again take delivery of those wonderfully sweet, delicious, eas-to-peel California navel oranges. This successful fundraiser is certain to raise another $5000-$7000 for more "service above self" in the community, the district or the world.
All members of SGR are encouraged to purchase, then giveaway or sell some to family, friends, neighbors, co-workers or customers / clients.
The cost for a full case is $58, a half-case is $34 or take home a quarter case for $21.
Thanks for your support ... and don't forget to order TODAY!